Children Workshops

Radionice za djecu

All children who are citizens of the Republic of Croatia and meet the following conditions can attend the workshops:
- that the child's parent is a member of the Musical Development Association,
- that the child is at least 5 and at most 8 years old.

The workshops will be held on Saturdays at 10 a.m. in Trogir at the address Gradska vrata 2.

Radionicama mogu prisustvovati sva djeca koja su državljani Republike Hrvatske i koja zadovoljavaju sljedeće uvjete:
- da je roditelj djeteta član Udruge Glazbeni razvoj,
- da dijete ima najmanje 5, a najviše 8 godina.

Radionice će se održavati subotom u 10 sati u Trogiru na adresi Gradska vrata 2.

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