Become a Member!

Postani član!

All citizens of the Republic of Croatia who meet the following conditions can become members of TGO:
- that they are members of the Music Development Association
- that they are at least 15 years old (with parental consent)
- that they are at least 18 years old (independent members)
- that they have completed at least 6 classes of elementary music school, majoring in violin or cello
- to have an instrument in their possession

The workshops will be held in Trogir at the address Gradska vrata 2, regularly on Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and additionally as needed and by agreement.

You can familiarize yourself with the statute of the Association 'Musical Development' here.

Fill in everything required and attach all documents through the form here or via the form below.

Članom TGO mogu postati svi građani Republike Hrvatske koji zadovoljavaju sljedeće uvjete:
- da su članovi Udruge Glazbeni razvoj
- da imaju najmanje 15 godina (uz suglasnost roditelja)
- da imaju najmanje 18 godina (samostalni članovi)
- da su završili najmanje 6 razreda osnovne glazbene škole, smjer violina ili violončelo
- da imaju instrument u svom vlasništvu

Radionice će se održavati u Trogiru na adresi Gradska vrata 2, i to redovno subotom od 11 do 12.30 sati i dodatno po potrebi i dogovoru.

Sa statutom Udruge 'Glazbeni razvoj' možete se upoznati ovdje.

Ispunite sve traženo i priložite sve dokumente kroz obrazac ovdje ili putem obrasca u nastavku.

Please enter your name and surname.
Molimo unesite Vaše ime i prezime.
Please enter your date of birth.
Molimo unesite Vaš datum rođenja.
Please enter your OIB.
Molimo unesite Vaš OIB.
Please enter your address.
Molimo unesite Vašu adresu.
Please enter your town.
Molimo unesite grad.
Please enter your country.
Molimo unesite državu.
Please enter your phone number.
Molimo unesite Vaš broj telefona.
Please accept the statute of the Association.
Molimo prihvatite statut Udruge.

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