

- familiarize yourself with the statute of the Association here
- fill in everything requested through the form here

Information for payment of the membership fee:
Association's IBAN: HR8624840081135195039
The membership fee is €40 per month and includes:
- workshops once a week for 45 minutes
- sheet music together with performance licenses and copyright
- other consumables
- organization of concerts

Feel free to contact us for any additional questions.

- upoznajte se sa statutom Udruge
- ispunite sve traženo kroz obrazac ovdje

Podaci za uplatu članarine:
IBAN Udruge: HR8624840081135195039
Cijena članarine je 40€ mjesečno i u nju su uključene:
- radionice 1x tjedno 45 minuta
- notni materijal zajedno s licencama za izvođenje i autorskim pravima
- ostali potrošni materijal
- organizacija koncerata

Za sva dodatna pitanja slobodno nam se obratite.

Povratak na početak

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